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5 Things Every Marketer Must Do At The Time Of Global Crisis

April 2020
Things Every Marketer Must Do

Economic crises, pandemics and natural disasters can be devastating for the world. This includes your business. Sales may have dropped to an all-time low, making it necessary to increase your promotions. But in such a vulnerable time, how can marketers remain sensitive and vigilant to the realities of their target market, while also being committed to revenue generation?

Review all promotions & halt them as necessary crises come unannounced.

Often, companies will have already set into motion their marketing campaigns. Your campaigns may include funny posts, contests, quizzes and more. But sharing such content during a sensitive and scary time as a global crisis, can be a little insensitive. So first things first, review all of your promotions and decide which ones are proper and which aren’t. Temporarily halt activities which you feel may be insensitive to your target audience at this time.

Advertise your preparedness to handle the crisis effectively.

Global crises can throw the world into utter pandemonium. People worry that production and services will be stopped and resort to taking decisions in a panic. This is where assurance from your side helps. Send across emails to all of your stakeholders, explaining how you are ready to handle any type of crisis. List out the steps you’ve taken to strengthen your operations at this time of need. Also explain the steps you will take if you are forced to cease all operations temporarily due to the crisis and how you plan to help your stakeholders at that time. Be sure to send this message across every 8-10 days. This gentle reminder will put your stakeholders at ease and protect your reputation.

Create alternate opportunities for cancelled events.

Natural disasters and pandemics can prevent companies from continuing with organized events. You may need to postpone it or cancel it even. In that case, you don’t have to forego marketing opportunities. For one, you can transform your physical event to a virtual one. This way, all of your clients and prospects can still attend your event from the safety of their homes. Second, if the crisis hasn’t hit your neighborhood too badly, you can host a local event in your office. Live streaming the event to other geographies can help.

Make available online resources.

Nowadays, many museums are making available online tours and free online resources such as art text books, manuscripts and more to the public. The objective is twofold –one, make available information even during times of crisis and two, keep the brand in the prospect’s mind until the end of the crisis, to ensure continued relationship post-crisis. This is something you can do too. From guides on using or repairing your product to tips on how to manage the crisis in a safe way, you can create quality content and make it available free-of-charge to your prospects.

Create campaigns surrounding crisis management best practices.

The Covid19 pandemic saw the genesis of the 20-seconds hand wash challenge. Many brands are using this theme to create highly-creative advertisements. While some companies are showing their CEOs complete the challenge, others are having key influencers do the challenge in their name. Still others are writing jingles and stories that fit into the 20-second time span, which can be listened to while hand-washing.

Such creative campaigns can really help you shine during a crisis. At Reversed Out Creative, our Covington Kentucky digital marketing experts can help you plan and implement a sensitive and thoughtful marketing campaign during a global crisis. Contact us for advice.

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