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Node.js Vs React.js | The Differences And Similarities You Must Know!

April 2020
nodejs vs react

Perhaps you have questions such as what is the difference between Node.js and React.js? Or you might be thinking about which is better: Node.js or React.js? However, it is metaphorically inaccurate to compare the two. It’s like you are comparing apples to oranges. 

While React.js is a front-end library, Node.js is used mainly at the runtime, or on the server-side. Because neither of them reflects the same group, they vary entirely from each other. The main contrast between Node.js and React.js depends on how these two frameworks are used in the creation of web apps. To state it simply, both Node.js and React.js have various roles in the field of web creation and are not at all compatible.

Both Node.js and React.js are JavaScript frameworks but they are entirely different concepts. The most significant difference between Node.js and React.js is React is used to create user applications, while Node.js is a back-end system. Still, both of them have benefits and drawbacks, as well as different uses.

Read on to find out which one you will be using for your next JavaScript project. The following are some of the main features of Node.js and React.js and their pros and cons. You should gain a better understanding of what technology suits the project needs after reading this post.

What Is Node.js?

Node.js is an innovation to assemble the back-finish of uses with JavaScript. Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript motor forces Node.js. Node.js is viable and lightweight since it utilizes occasion driven and non-blocking I/O models. Engineers use this structure for facilitating APIs, serving HTTP demands, and getting to the database. 

Who Uses Node.js? 

As of now, Node.js is utilized by numerous organizations and has a few well-known customers, like Netflix, Trello, and Uber. Some of the reasons why these popular organizations have been using Node.js are also mentioned in this article.

Netflix, the pioneer of online video gushing, conducts A/B testing to furnish 93 million clients with a productive encounter. The stage faces issues of contingent conditions and application versatility. To understand these issues, the organization has chosen Node.js for its quick speed and also because it is lightweight. Right now, it has figured out how to diminish startup time by 70%. 

Key Features (Node.js Vs React.js and the difference between them)

Presently, let us get some answers concerning the principle Node.js highlights. 

  • Open-source. Node.js is a free and open-source system. 
  • Upgraded execution. Designers can perform non-blocking tasks, which improves web application execution. 
  • Server advancement. Hub has in-constructed APIs. Subsequently, Node.js permits designers to make various servers like DNS server, TCP server, HTTP server, and that’s just the beginning. 
  • Unit testing. Node.js has unit testing called Jasmine, which permits testing prepared code rapidly. 
  • Adaptability. Applications worked with Node.js can be scaled in both a Vertical and Horizontal approach to extemporize their presentation.

What is React.js? 

React.js is an open-source front-end library to create UIs for sites and web applications in an organized manner. The thought behind React.js is to permit the building of a robust library with superiority. For example, this innovation is utilized to show newsfeeds while individuals are visiting. React.js options are Angular and Vue.js. 

Who Uses React.js? 

Created by a Facebook group, React.js is utilized for everything from content-based sites like The New York Times to applications like Twitter. Presently, let us check apps that use this library. 

Facebook depends intensely on client association with site components. Along these lines, practically all-powerful parts of a Facebook web application are worked with React.js. 

React.js Main Features 

Let us discover what React.js is all about: 

  • Simple support. This library re-utilizes framework segments and illuminates any issues associated with React refreshes. 
  • Execution. React.js is utilizing Virtual DOM (report object model), which improves application execution. 
  • Stable code. By utilizing just a descending information stream, React.js ensures code steadiness and better application execution. 
  • Engineer toolset. React.js gives engineers investigating and configuration apparatuses, guaranteeing superiority.
  • Portable application improvement. By following similar plan designs, you can construct rich UI for local applications bolstered by iOS and Android stages.

Node.js Vs React.js, Which Is Better: Usage Statistics And Popularity Worldwide

There’s a reason 1,408,233 customers use React.js to build their frontends. In comparison, currently, 302,311 live websites use React.js, and 1,105,922 additional pages have traditionally used it, as per BuiltWith’s study.

React.js was the most liked, wanted, and least hated among its users, according to Stack overflow Survey 2019.

According to the Node.js Usage Survey Report, Node.js was used by a majority of 49.9 percent users, making it one of the most used applications, frameworks, and resources in 2019.

Node.js Vs React.js Which Is Better: A Brief Introduction

Node.js is a derivative of Google’s V7 Javascript code. Node.js helps developers to write command-line software and server-side scripting to construct interactive content on the web page.

React.js as described by Wikipedia: “React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a JavaScript framework for user interface development. It can even be used as a framework for creating single-page or smartphone apps.

Node.js vs React.js: The Comparison Parameters

Learning bend

React.js has a simpler expectation to absorb information contrasted with others. Engineers don’t have to invest a considerable amount of energy re-learning the programming language. React.js is based on what designers know as JavaScript. Because of its basic structure, utilization of JSX (an HTML-like-grammar), and profoundly nitty-gritty documentation, React is the best library that makes web advancement simpler to execute and repeat. 

Interestingly, Node.js might be anything but difficult to learn, yet it requires more exertion to actualize web applications with it. What makes it troublesome is the nonconcurrent programming that executes the non-blocking code. In any case, this doesn’t forestall the execution of a bit of code. That is the reason, at times, it is hard to program. 


Microservices engineering is a new way to deal with change-ready backends. As indicated by definition: It’s a way to deal with building up a single page application as a suite of little administrations, each running its procedure and speaking with lightweight instruments, frequently an HTTP asset API. The fundamental thought was to permit various groups to work effectively on isolated highlights of a web application. Such a methodology builds designers’ efficiency and diminishes time-to-showcase. 

Take a look at how this methodology can be utilized with Node.js and React.js: 

Small scale Frontends in React.js

The idea of miniaturized scale frontends acquaints a route with break down an adaptable frontend into smaller and increasingly sensible pieces. Over time, a different group of engineers deals with these pieces until the code is prepared to be deployable as sets of inexactly coupled applications. Additionally, each group is then answerable for a different game that primarily serves various substances. Small scale frontends in React.js are an all the more friendly and less cumbersome group.

For example, an eCommerce stage worked with React.js can be isolated into various arrangements of highlights that can be taken care of by independent groups. For example, the shopping frontend, DevOps, and backend group (microservices).

React.js permits small scale frontends to impart in a roundabout way, limiting direct coupling. Picking React.js is likewise a decent arrangement that makes the way toward passing callbacks and information downwards. This arrangement makes the differentiation progressively express. 

Hub genuinely supplements microservices since both as a tech stack empowers associations to accomplish skill, security, and unrivaled execution. Utilizing microservices with Node.js permits you to create applications without complexities. This incredible mix can likewise control exceptionally adaptable applications and handle a large number of simultaneous solicitations without hindering the framework. 

Utilizing microservices in Node.js based eCommerce applications engages numerous administrations and allows them to refresh and scale independently. Cadenza, a membership-based eCommerce stage, moved its Node.js application from MEAN stack to microservice-based design. Microservice design dependent on Node.js permitted Cadenza to beat difficulties like API coordination, ceaseless application crashes, and immense expenses.

By changing to a microservices design, Cadenza got a chance to coordinate a few highlights of their application into free administrations. It additionally dispenses with long haul promise to any tech stack. Furthermore, it helped them to chop down the significant expenses. Moreover, eBay likewise moved to microservice engineering and scaled past 1 billion clients. 

Community Support 

For your engineer to work productively on a task, it is essential to have immense network support around the system. 

Established and kept up by Facebook, React.js is verifiably upheld by a large group, which bolsters it. The best thing about it is its regular updates that make designers work productively without breaking the application. Along these lines, engineers can be nonstop students. Well-known sites like Netflix, Airbnb, PayPal, Uber, Khan Academy, and Asana use React.js in their creation. 

Like React.js, Node.js is additionally an open-source that implies its locale is effectively occupied with improving the dialects and fixing bugs. An extensive network means a ton of designers have the best tips and devices available to them when they convey around the system.

App Size and Performance 

The application size and execution are two angles that radically sway the nature of your web application, directly affecting the heap and reaction times. In this way, it impacts consumer loyalty with web applications. Take a look at how React.js and Node.js remain against one another as far as execution viewpoints: 

React.js is productive in taking care of continuous UI refreshes, all gratitude to the Virtual DOM included. It works this way: for each DOM in React, there is a duplicate of Virtual DOM. Be that as it may, here’s the trick: albeit Virtual DOM has indistinguishable properties from an ordinary DOM, it comes up short on the ability to refresh the UI straightforwardly. For each UI update, React.js refreshes Virtual DOM and contrasts it and the average DOM all the time. Along these lines, it makes sense of what changes should be made to the standard DOM. After examining the changes, React.js refreshes the UI. 

Presently this whole procedure is quick to the point that occasionally engineers face UI rendering related execution issues. In any case, there is a workaround to unravel practically every single execution issue in React.js. We even canvassed these workarounds in our past article on React.js execution. 

As per Node.js 2018 client review, Node.js is proceeding to affect numerous clients because of expanded efficiency and fulfillment positively, decreased improvement costs, and grew application execution. 

PayPal is probably the most significant case of organizations that profited the most regarding presentation by utilizing Nodejs. The organization said that after relocating to Node.js, they encountered a 35% diminishing in the average reaction time, and their pages served 200ms quicker. One significant contributing variable that improves Node.js execution incredibly is its occasion driven engineering. 

Use Cases (React.js Vs Node.js)

Both React.js and Node.js are utilized by numerous organizations and have a few customers like Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, and PayPal. Frequently, Node.js and React.js are utilized related to assembling web applications that help ongoing updates. 

Being a frontend library, React.js is most appropriate for Single page applications. 

Since React.js is most appropriate for single-page applications, choosing it only for large or complex applications may be a needless excess. For building complex applications, utilizing React.js with another tech-stack is required as React.js just takes into account an application UI. 

A bundled gathering of Google’s V8 JavaScript motor, Node.js, is a central library, which is fundamentally written in JavaScript. Assessing points of interest of Node.js, for example, its productive biological system and nonconcurrent non-blocking I/O. We’ve aggregated a rundown of the utilization instances of Node.js: 

Information Streaming Apps: Node.js is utilized to assemble a few information gushing highlights. For example, there is a likelihood to process the documents while they are yet to be transferred. At the point when information comes in through a stream, it very well may be handled online without being interfered with. It should be possible for ongoing sound or video encoding. 

Talk Rooms: High traffic limits, lightweight, and extreme information stream prerequisites are essential for building continuous applications like Chat rooms. These necessities can be satisfied by utilizing Node.js joined with some JS structure like Express.js on the backend. 

Node.js Vs. React.js Infographic 

Investigate the correlation between Node.js React.js on various parameters, for example, the expectation to learn and adapt, network support, application size and execution, use cases, information authoritative, and UI parts.

How to connect Node.js with React.js

Transferring records may appear to be an assignment that should be conquered, particularly in web advancement. Right now, we will perceive how to move a straightforward AJAX put together record utilizing React.js concerning front-end and Node.js toward the back. It is anything but difficult to achieve with the accompanying advancements since the entire source code will be in one language, i.e., JavaScript. To tell you the best way to consolidate a Node.js backend with React.js front-end, we will utilize a basic document transfer model. The subjects we will cover are: 

  • Setting up a Back-finish of the application using express-generator 
  • Utilizing makes React.js application to framework a front-end React.js application 
  • Utilizing Axios for cross-root API calls 
  • Taking care of POST demands on our server 
  • Utilizing express-file upload, a guarantee based library 

5 Reasons To Use Node.js With React.js For Web Development

Is React.js a Frontend or Backend library? 

Made and kept up by Facebook, React.js is a front-end library that received sudden spikes in demand for a program. Like most libraries, this one sudden spike in demand for web servers like Apache or with backends like PHP or Rails. 

At first, made for working with internet browsers, it has a ReactDOM library explicitly for working with the program’s DOM. In any case, throughout the years, it has been moved up to a cross-stage structure called React Native that is broadly utilized by iOS and Android designers. If you need to find out about the contrasts among React.js and React Native, investigate our ongoing article: 

React.js vs React Native

With React, it is conceivable to assemble a web application that explicitly takes into account difficulties like moderate client collaborations and low execution because of DOM controls. It illuminates this by utilizing a Virtual DOM, where changes are spared, and a calculation is dissected to make sense of the contrast between two UI states. 

It is the reason React is quite famous amongst the designers, who need to manufacture exceptionally powerful, crossbreed, and local applications. 

Is Node.js backend or frontend?

As indicated by Node.js User Survey Report, over 43% of Nodejs engineers have confessed to utilizing it for significant business improvement, for it is a perfect decision for building present-day arrangements dependent on microservices, WebSockets, and occasion lines. It likewise settles on a fantastic choice for backend since it is offbeat, has non-blocking I/O, and is occasionally driven by nature. 

Strangely, Node.js can be utilized as an individual programming language, for example composing both front-end and back-end code for server-side applications in JavaScript using the runtime condition. Besides, mammoths like Walmart, NASA, and Twitter utilize Node.js for their backend improvement. 

Generally, Node.js is the most favorable stage for encouraging similarly to run a web server for a React application. It is an aftereffect of two rule reasons. Using an NPM (Node Package Manager), Node works near to the NPM library to successfully present any group through the NPM CLI. Center bundles a React application into a singular archive for essential accumulation using a web pack and a couple of other Node modules. Besides, using Node.js to host and run your web server helps from various perspectives.

Node.js uses a speed streamlined V8 engine to address mass requests that are managed through callback abilities to ensure quality and sum. Both Node.js and React.js are javascript jargon that can be executed both client and server-side. Architects can execute the React.js code truly in the Node.js condition. The React DOM has portions unequivocally planned to work with Node.js that diminishing lines of code, making server-side rendering also essential. 

Now and again, changing your backend is undoubtedly not a down to earth decision. We ought to expect you to have RoR (Ruby on Rails) as a backend. You can use Node.js to run the webserver encouraging your React application. Nevertheless, you may ask, in what manner may I need Node.js for a web server when I have ROR?

Taking everything into account, Node.js offers uncommonly reliable and gainful devices which can be used without the necessity for a Node Web Server. You can use Node’s assets to create the RoR asset Pipeline, this way using CommonJS to make your work a lot more straightforward. 

React.js is a library, which is simply used to render the UIs of your web and versatile applications. On the other hand, Node.js is a runtime circumstance to manage data correspondence on the server-side. It’s used in frameworks organization applications to give consistent data to the administrators across systems. 

Both React and Node exist in the specialist condition for different reasons. So it’s essential to inspect their use cases before you approach the improvement system. 

While React.js must be used to build UI parts on the frontend, Node.js will manage the data set aside on the backend. React.js offers gadgets like react switch and recovery, which will give frantic correspondence to be dealt with at the server-side by Node.js. So when a customer helps out the UI (React.js), and a server request is made — the program responds appropriately by sending data as indicated by the foreordained URL path from the backend (Nodejs). 

By and by, here comes the essential: React.js, being a frontend framework, stacks the parts attached to the specific courses (read Routing and Navigation). Even though Node.js, being a Backend structure, couldn’t be mindless, which fragment stacks on a particular URL request made. It’s merely giving space to the entire data correspondence, does it look good? 

Are There Specific Conditions Or Reasons That Would Help React Architects To Use Node.js? 

Without a doubt, there are some specific conditions or reasons where Node.js can be used with React.js. In all honesty, using these two related advances can contemplate and save you a tremendous amount of progress time. 

Here are the best five inspirations to use Node.js and React.js together to make your code significantly capable and adaptable: 

  • High server load: Using Node.js with React.js looks good when your web application needs treatment of various sales and keeping up server load balance. 
  • Continuous data: If your application inside relies upon Real-time Data-Intensive organization or Data Streaming, using Node.js is particularly accurate for continued server affiliation. 
  • JSON APIs: Building JSON APIs for your application is capable of Node.js due to high code reusability and straightforward code participating in React.js. 
  • Single Page Applications (SPA): Developing Single Page Applications in React while using Node to produce a lightweight backend model for nonconcurrent data stacking through callback limits. 
  • MERN stack: Node.js can, in like manner, be used to React with MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Nodejs) stack. 

Both React and Node have different limits, for instance, React for front-end, and Node for the backend. Node.js can do fundamentally more than making servers; it can do a broad scope of scripting and CLI gadgets. 

In case you have to use React.js with Node.js, you need to acknowledge how to use NPM. There’s not in the slightest degree like indeed coding in a Node area to use React aside from if you have to incorporate a backend. Using React with Node can surely help you with scaling your errand to a significantly progressively raised level. That is the explanation as to why Node.js is used by a couple of tech-beasts like Netflix and PayPal, and achieved colossal results and exceptional improvement in execution.

Contrasting React and Node resembles contrasting one type with a different kind. While one is a library that manages the frontend, the other is a center library.

Some pointers to remember:

Hub gives adaptability, speed, and better execution. That is the reason it is increasingly appropriate for an assortment of errands. 

Utilizing React, it is simpler to make light-weight web and portable applications. One can React on the server-side, and the virtual DOM will be rendered, which will come back to the program as a customary website page. 

Both Node and React have dynamic and tremendous network support. 

Do you have any proposals that clarify the distinction between Nodejs and React? On the off chance that indeed, you can impart them to us in the remark segment.

Node.js vs. React.js are all innovations used by many successful organizations.

But what are you going to choose for your proposed application? Let’s send you a hint.

If you want to build a complex and flexible web application on the server-side, like an online video network, the Node, JS is your alternative.

React.js is the best fit for building a project with shifting states, including dynamic inputs, buttons, and so on.

You will also use these tools with your Internet app at the same time. With Reactjs and  Node js, you can build the front end of the Web app, as Netflix did.

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