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Running An Ecommerce Business On A Subdomain, Is It A Good Idea? Root Domain Vs Subdomain

May 2020
Root Domain Vs Subdomain

In this article, we are going to share the insights on Root Domain Vs Subdomain.

Search engines have metrics applied to pages, such as PageRank, and metrics used to subdomains and root domains (including things like TrustRank, different quality scores, domain-level link metrics like Domain mozRank, etc.). SEOs have established such steady patterns of behavior through years of experience, evaluation, and testing.

More On Root Domain Vs Subdomain

Individual pages enjoy being on strong subdomains & root domains. That’s why if anyone copies your blog post on the best way to microwave burritos into Wikipedia, that article will rank much higher than yours, even with the same material (which ignores the duplicate material problems).

Subdomains DO NOT always inherit all the positive metrics and ranking capabilities on a given root domain from other subdomains.

Some subdomains of the root domain on which they are GET NO GAIN. These include sites such as,,, and several more where anyone can start publishing their subdomain.

Subfolders DO appear to receive all the benefits of the subdomain on which they are located, and content/pages behave remarkably similarly regardless of what subfolder they are placed under a given subdomain.

Secure internal and cross-linking will help to share the real metrics (but not always and not entirely) from one subdomain into another.

Quick Guide On Root Domain Vs Subdomain

Among these reasons, if you’re trying to optimize your ranking capabilities for a given piece of content, it’s our personal opinion that most of the time, you should keep it on one subdomain under one root domain (but feel free to use subfolders because it makes sense). Are you looking to start a blog? We recommend almost always instead of Are you looking to open a new content section? Use stuff instead of using

When To Use A Subdomain? 

For a specific search query, you already have two pages from your primary domain rating (and are attempting to saturate your listings to the search results). This works because Google will display a maximum of two URLs from a given subdomain on a particular search results page, but may display more from a given root domain if multiple subdomains exist.

You have a particular keyword that you want to rank for use in the subdomain (or a hybrid keyword phrase that ideally binds the subdomain + root domain together), and you do precise targeting with the techniques of making the URL copy/paste serve as an ideal anchor document. For example, if we owned and used subdomains for different brands such as, knowing that a lot of people would connect to the subdomain URL and give our page the perfect anchor text.

A Glimpse On Details Of Root Domain Vs Subdomain

You already have a well-functioning subdomain, which ranks well and would be a pain to move. We have done some work in the past to redirect subdomains back to subfolders on a root domain. We have seen significant traffic & ranking rises, but this is almost universal for root domains with large numbers of subdomains. If you have only 1-5 subdomains, and they’re doing well, it’s not a significant concern (although it might warrant checking a redirect to just seeing one).

There are other cases, some more technical, where it can make sense, but the best practice is to use one subdomain with all of your material on a root domain. If you have some excellent SEO skills and know exactly what you’re doing, and why that would be the case, in our experience.

Are Subdomains Bad for SEO?

Here you are probably hoping for an excellent cut-and-dry response, but there isn’t one.

Along with just about anything else that applies to rank factors for SEO and Google, you need to handle it on a case-by-case basis. There is no set rule dictating the use of subdomains as their advantages will outweigh any possible SEO backlash (either actual or perceived) for individual businesses.

In other cases, subdomains do not provide any specific tangible benefit to subdirectories, so it makes no sense to make significant changes to the configuration of the website. It depends on what makes the most sense for your specific website.

Why Use A Subdomain?

A subdomain is a section or alias of your domain that can be used as a separate place for organizing your current website. Subdomains are usually used when there is a material that is different from the rest of the web. The segment to the left of the root URL shows subdomains. and, for example, are subdomains of

Because subdomains are used to house parts of the web that are entirely different from the reach of the leading site, one of the reasons companies are using subdomains is that they need specific servers and software to manage these separate sections of their website.

Search engines see subdomains as unique websites that are unrelated to the main domain. It could have the potential to allow subdomains you build to appear along with your parent domain in search engine results pages (SERPs), dragging your competition further down in results, enhancing your authority for your product or service.

Subdomains May Be Used To Target A Particular Segment Of The Market, Read Community Or Nation

The right to use a keyword is for accountability, search engine, and advertising purposes. By using google maps, the URL is named, which explains the exact meaning of the maps.

Using subdomains may be a choice for businesses that still need to develop strong international recognition and do not have the resources to create several ccTLD sites filling content. If you want to explore this path, use the Search Console to geo-target each subdomain. This tactic can be used for ccTLDs, but already, search engines recognize country codes as indicators to target specific regions. Subdomains are not effortless and may require the resources to create and maintain each subdomain.

As a choice, you will possibly decide how subdirectories factor in. Using one gTLD, information for each country or language can be stored in separate folders. Because all the directories are on the TLD, any previously acquired link authority can be used in your favor. You can geo-target every folder using the Search Console. If you don’t have the money for ccTLDs or subdomains for every country and language you’re targeting; subdirectories are perfect. Subdirectories to search engines aren’t as powerful as ccTLDs. If you’ve tried geotargeting sites in the same language, you might accidentally rank the wrong version.

Another choice you might follow is the URL parameters. Although it is possible to set up your site using URL parameters to decide the language or area, there are no advantages and many more drawbacks to work through; geotargeting with Search Console is not feasible, separating visitors based on criteria is time-consuming, and with well-structured URLs vital to SEO, a confusing URL is only of benefit to your competitors.

What Is Subdomain In Url?

A subdomain is another part of the first domain name. Subdomains are built for organizing and linking to different parts of the website. In your primary domain, you can construct several subdomains or child domains.

For instance: Shop.Your

Best Domain Extensions For Seo

In this case, the subdomain is ‘shop,’ the primary domain is ‘your website,’ and the top-level domain (TLD) is ‘.com.’ You can use any text as your subdomain, but you want to make sure you can type and remember it quickly.

A subdomain’s most growing use-case is to build a website version of the testing or staging. Developers would also check new plugins and updates on a staging subdomain site before uploading them live on the Internet.

Another everyday use of a subdomain is to build an eCommerce business online. Often businesses choose to manage transactions with a different subdomain since eCommerce sites usually need a more complicated setup.

We also see businesses use subdomains for their mobile websites (, location-specific sites (, and developing site sub-sections.

Google and other search engines view subdomains as a separate web site. This means each subdomain must be crawled and indexed separately by the search engines.

It’s important to note that your root domain vs. subdomain doesn’t share the “link juice” generated from backlinks to your leading site. Creating a page rank for keywords is just as challenging for a subdomain as it is for a completely different website.

Subdomains can only be used if you have sufficient reason to do so. For example, you can use subdomains to rank for specific keywords, target a particular audience, or reach a different location or represent a language other than your main website.

Root domain Vs. Subdomain: Why Subdomains Are Bad For Seo

If you’re looking for a domain name, you’ll come across all kinds of words. Everything can seem a little daunting when you just get going.

You just want to create a website as quickly as you can. But, you’ll find it much easier to maintain, design, and troubleshoot your site by taking the time to learn a little bit about the technical elements of your website.

Below you can discover the distinctions between a subdomain vs a root domain so that you can make the right decision for your next online project. And though they both have different roles on the network, they are connected to domains and subdomains, as you will soon find below.

What Is A Domain?

You would need a domain name to have a website that lives on the internet. There is no way for the tourists to access your site without a domain name!

Before you create domain names, you have to type in the IP address for a specific website to access it. Domain names today serve as a placeholder for the complex number series, known as an IP address. So, instead of typing in a set of numbers like, you enter your browser.

This makes it much simpler and makes the internet much more user-friendly for customers.

What Is A Subdomain? Why Are Subdomains Bad For Seo?

A subdomain is a supplement to the primary domain name. For example, you use a subdomain such as, or, if you are using the Craigslist platform. You will be automatically routed to the subdomain that suits your physical location.

A subdomain is a different part of your website, running under the same primary domain name. For example, your primary domain name may be “,” while you could add a subdomain called “” to that domain.

Ecommerce Business With Sub Domain

Ecommerce businesses need more rigorous safety standards and procedures to protect confidential financial information. It may involve downloading new software, or even updating the SSL certificate.

It may not be needed for the rest of your web, so then you can host your eCommerce business on a subdomain, such as “” or “”

You also allow yourself to design a highly converting storefront by hosting your eCommerce business on a subdomain. You’ll have an online store designed from the ground up to help you sell more items by being able to pick up an eCommerce unique theme, rather than having to hack out an attractive design from your existing site together.

Redesigning Your Website For Ecommerce Business

It can be useful to be able to see a live version of your site when you are going through a website redesign. To do so, you should create a subdomain that allows you to build a new website entirely from scratch.

This way, you can insert links, images, videos, and more and see how your website works in real-time.

You can also send traffic to your subdomain so you can see how people still communicate with your new platform. Gaining customer reviews in real-time can be invaluable and help you avoid introducing a new website that doesn’t fit with your needs and expectations.

Once you’re ready to make your new site live, simply move it to your primary domain through your revamped site.

Testing Signature Products On Your Ecommerce Business

Do you have a new market that you want to grow into, a new product that you want to try, or a new concept that you have for your web, but first want to check it out?

Whatever the reason, you can do all these things and more with a subdomain.

When you build a subdomain, you give yourself a clean slate. Mostly you have to deal with a brand new website without the hassle of setting up a new domain.

You can now build a mini-site to test out your latest concept. If it works, then this section can be added to your current site. A subdomain can give you creative freedom without sacrificing the user experience you already have.

How Root Domain Vs Subdomain Works In Ecommerce Business

As you can see, there are a lot of different moveable pieces in the domain name ecosystem. It takes some effort to take the time to learn how it works together, but it will give you a leg up on the rest of the competition.

Hopefully, by now, you have a clear understanding of how domain names and subdomains function, as well as the circumstances when using a domain or subdomain.

To put it simply, when you want to create a website that is accessible through the internet, you will need a domain name. Subdomains are an extension of your primary domain name and are used to host your blog or eCommerce shop for website organization or redesign purposes.

Whenever you select a new domain name, make sure you investigate as a successful domain name is a vital part of your online brand. When you have brainstormed the ideal domain name, search if it’s appropriate for your new project or not.

More On Root Domain Vs Subdomain

Websites on eCommerce do not always start this way. They start as plain-jane, non-transactional pages.

As consumer behavior, particularly given the current pandemic conditions, evolves to include more and more online shopping, businesses that began as brick-and-mortar turn to online sales.

This post deals with the corporations and marketing teams facing this particular situation.

The path from non-transactional to transactional will leave SEO professionals wondering whether their eCommerce business website should be launched on their core domain or a subdomain.

The purpose of eCommerce business websites is to do one thing:

  • Sell. 
  • And at first glance, this segment is pretty much summary.
  • Background, however, is all in the results, migration, and diagnosis of websites.
  • Most websites are transactionally born, and a root domain should be used in this case.
  • However, there’s more to the story in the case of an established non-transactional website, leaping eCommerce.

For example, if you have high organic rankings on the current non-transactional website, you may want to keep the client magnet intact.

Both are selling goods and maintaining the amount of content on them that non-transactional websites appear to provide would be even harder for eCommerce pages.

As a result, several companies that started selling online after some time in business decided to launch their eCommerce business websites in subdomains.

•    Yet to SEO, what’s better?

•    What’s safer for consumers than this?

•    What’s best for your situation on eCommerce?

“Would you trade SEO, root domain, or subdomain in Google? “And other question types which you will get a lot of information on whether it is best to use a root domain or a general subdomain.

Ecommerce, however, has its own set of considerations.

For instance, apart from maintaining rankings, eCommerce business websites have entirely different needs and use cases developers need to bring to life.

In addition to hundreds of other specific set-up requirements, a transactional website needs to have a built-in shopping cart, extra SSL protection, and a credit card processing partner.

Many hinge your team on which eCommerce engine, or if they decide to build a custom eCommerce business website.

With so many different considerations, coding and launching eCommerce on a subdomain can sometimes be more comfortable.

New Business Need A Lot Of Brand Awareness

Similarly, if you are a new company, your current non-transactional website can host essential information your customer needs to discover and learn to trust and purchase from you.

Your eCommerce business website might not be sufficient to persuade potential customers to buy from you over their competitors.

If your existing website does a great job of taking down your marketing funnel from potential customers, you might opt to keep it as it is and put your new eCommerce business website on a subdomain.

Sub Domain Supports International Shopping

It might also be more appropriate to use a subdomain if you sell to the foreign markets.

For example, your domain can already be chopped into domains or subdomains at the country level.

Redirections may also be in operation, with loads of complicated SEO considerations and components such as unique content, translations, and hreflang tags that took months to set up.

In this case, it may be more comfortable and better for you to throw your eCommerce onto an engine where users can filter by location, currency, etc. than to attach eCommerce separately to each international country website.

You see, it all depends on what your company and your new website are in.

Let’s dig a little bit deeper into the SEO side of things.

Stick To The Root

Through combining your core site and store on a root domain, you are reaping the shared value of your current site authority and the fresh content that eCommerce items can bring.

If your core site is still getting traffic from organic, the new store would have a much better chance of performing with existing authority from the get-go by being part of the root domain.

Likewise, as the store expands, it makes search engines even more critical for the non-transactional sites, as the fresh content can lead to more regular indexing.

Assuming, of course, that the eCommerce business website was adequately set up and optimized for search engines with proper page hierarchy, with little or no duplicate product problems, and the list goes on.

According to a case study by PinkCakeBox, after shifting their blog from a subdomain to a subfolder, they had an increase in organic traffic of 40 percent.

While they saw a 47 percent decrease in organic traffic when IWantMyName moved their blog from a subfolder to a subdomain.

A blog is different from an eCommerce business website, though.

For example, you need to consider whether the benefits of a root domain outweigh the risks of slowing down your overall site speed by thousands of products, which will impact your current SEO performance.

Likewise, if SEO problems that are common to eCommerce business websites such as duplicate content occur, the overall output of the website can be affected.

When your brain starts spinning with pros and cons, maybe you’re not the only one.

Let us have a look at some root domain examples:


Staples, which started as an office supplies company, now keeps its online shop in its root domain.

Amazon and Walmart

While Amazon may seem like a glaring example of an eCommerce site on a root domain (although they started transactionally), they were known to use subdomains to play with navigation paths and suggested user cookies products.

Therefore, if you’re planning to do a lot of user testing in your eCommerce, preferences, and another fancy jazz to your website, having a subdomain can allow you to do that easily without affecting the user’s UI on your non-transactional site.

Shoppers Drug Mart

Shoppers Drug Mart, Canada’s leading pharmacy, is an excellent example of a massive retailer who opted to sell beauty products on a subdomain.

In the case of niche transactional sites, such as restaurants, linking to an ordering / transactional engine designed for websites such as this Canadian Thai take-out giant Thai Express might simply be cheaper.

When To Use A Root Domain?

Use the root domain and put the eCommerce content as often as you can on subfolders. It is the best-case scenario and has many different advantages. Most of them are mentioned above, but one that has not yet arrived is tracking and analytics.

Putting all of the content in one area helps marketers paint a better conceptual picture. Maintaining your eCommerce on your root domain makes the most sense, depending on your scenario and pending proper implementation.

There are also a few exceptions.

Using A Sub Domain In An Ecommerce Business

Today you have a well-established website with organic rankings that you need to maintain, using a subdomain for your eCommerce business website with an experienced development team. This way, it won’t target the current website pages if any significant problems occur on it.

You have an existing set of websites serving many regions and using a subdomain for your eCommerce business website, with many different languages and hreflang tags. In reality, serving all the different regions on one eCommerce engine on a subdomain would be simpler than adding eCommerce engines to the website of each area individually.

You are a small business that can use a third-party eCommerce platform to control online trading. Given the cost and configuration of third-party eCommerce sites, this can be a more efficient option. The downside is that SEO-wise, generally, these third-party trade assets don’t do well. In this scenario, businesses such as restaurants will concentrate on rating their information site and will connect from there to their third-party service provider.

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At Reversed Out Creative, we understand the challenges and opportunities presented by AI disruption. Our team of experts specializes in web design, SEO, graphic design, and digital marketing services. Reach out to us through our contact form to learn more about navigating the evolving job market and embracing the potential of AI. Together, let’s shape a future that combines human ingenuity with the power of AI.

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