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SEO Fundamentals | Factors That Determine The Success Of Your SEO Strategy!

November 2021

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most essential parts of a digital marketing strategy for any business. If you are here, you are surely looking forward to understanding the factors that determine the success of your SEO strategy.

Unlike what most people believe, SEO is not some magic trick. It requires a thorough understanding of the subject, starting from understanding what people want when they search for something.

Today, we are going to discuss with you the factors that determine the success of your SEO strategy. So, let’s discuss these factors one by one.

  • Technical – This is the part of SEO that affects the performance, visibility, and assessment of your website in the eyes of search engines. To be specific, this aspect of SEO includes indexing, schema adjustment, crawling, site structuring, URL structuring, and site speed optimization among many other things.
  • On-Page SEO – The second most essential aspect or factor determining the overall success of your SEO strategy is – on-page SEO. This is where you are required to analyze all the content, elements, and code in the website. This is where you will make sure that the content of the website is well-optimized, structuring data, and adding appropriate meta descriptions and tags.
  • Off-Page SEO – This is the third aspect of SEO that plays a vital role in determining the success of your SEO strategy for your business. This is everything that is not available on your website but is effectively contributing their effect on the overall SEO process. This includes link building, social media marketing, PPC, review marketing, as well as user-generated content.

These are the three factors that work synchronously towards building a strong SEO strategy.

In addition, we are going to share with you the three most essential parts of search engine optimization including – search experience optimization, content strategizing, and impact of voice search.

Let’s discuss each of these three parts in detail one by one.

Search Experience Optimization

SEO mostly refers to search engine optimization, but it can also mean search experience optimization. This is the advanced way of thinking about the “new SEO era.” Search experience optimization refers to optimizing for users you are targeting to promote your brand and business. This is something that goes beyond the idea of optimizing the website. This is something that revolves around the user intent. There are four types of intents that one can focus on. These are –

  • I want to know
  • I want to go
  • I want to do
  • I want to buy

These types of intents depend on what kind of query defines the user intent that works best for your business. For example, if you are running an eCommerce business, the user-intent that you need to target is – transactional (I want to buy). Similarly, if you are a blog owner, I want to know, is the user intent that fits perfectly.

Check out how much you need to spend on SEO?

Content Strategizing

Another very important aspect of new-age SEO is optimizing content for people. One thing that every SEO expert needs is to understand what is perfect for your customers, clients, and subscribers. Creating content is not simple, but the complication can fade away if you understand what your customers, clients, and subscribers are looking for. Preparing content strategy involves several things that go beyond content like keywords and search algorithms.

Every now and then Google tends to update its algorithm. The two most important updates that shaped a new way for content strategy includes –

Hummingbird – This is the update that enables it to understand the queries and not just keywords. This is the update that introduced semantics. Since this update, it has become essential that you optimize the pages for not just a single keyword but also work on semantic keywords.

RankBrain – This is another update that revolutionized the SEO arena. This is the update that enabled search engines to understand the query while deciphering it to understand the core idea of the search.

Both these updates ensured one thing – while creating a content copy, it is wise to not just focus on a single keyword, instead, it is important that you play around with semantics while targeting all the possible long term keywords including the generic keyword set.

There are several other things that you need to consider while creating a content strategy that goes beyond keyword research. These things include –

Voice Search Optimization

Voice search has come up on top in the priority chart. It is crucial that you understand the importance of voice search. We are all aware that voice search is trending, which brings a huge change in overall SEO strategy. To optimize for voice search there are a few things that you need to consider –

  • Identify the common question as well as queries that your target audience has.
  • Create content that directly aligns with the questions and queries.

You can also check out some great SEO tips here.

Concluding Statement

In the end, we are going to say that there are several things that one needs to consider when it comes to building a successful SEO strategy. All the factors we have mentioned above have a direct impact on the SEO strategy that you need to formulate for your business. So, if you are working on building an SEO strategy, this is something you need to go through.

In case you are wondering if you can hire professionals to handle your SEO strategy for your business, you have come to the right place. We, at Reversed Out Creative have a team of excellent SEO experts who will not just formulate the SEO strategy for your business, but will also make sure that it gets well-executed. So, if this is something that interests you, let’s talk.

Contact Us

At Reversed Out Creative, we understand the challenges and opportunities presented by AI disruption. Our team of experts specializes in web design, SEO, graphic design, and digital marketing services. Reach out to us through our contact form to learn more about navigating the evolving job market and embracing the potential of AI. Together, let’s shape a future that combines human ingenuity with the power of AI.

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