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Why Do I Need An SSL Certificate?

August 2022

If you run a website, you’ve likely heard of SSL certificates. In fact, they’ve become as ubiquitous in the online world as social media is in real life. But what is an SSL certificate? How do they work? And why do I need one? Let’s get the word out about SSL certificates and why they’re important!

What can an SSL certificate do?

The most important thing to realize about SSL certificates is that they are a defense against cyber attacks.

You may have heard the term “hacker” and thought it was someone who was trying to steal your password. While that might be true sometimes, there are other ways in which hackers can use technology to cause damage or compromise your data and company. An SSL certificate will protect you from these kinds of attacks by:

  • Protecting sensitive data like credit card information and social security numbers.
  • Protecting against phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks (fraudulent websites).
  • Protecting against keyloggers or any other software used specifically for stealing information from users (like emails).
  • Keep hackers away from your website so they can’t try their luck at stealing anything else.

Create a site-wide encryption standard.

An SSL certificate is a substantial way to protect your data. It’s like the lock on your front door, securing your online home from would-be intruders. With an SSL certificate in place, no one can get into that data—not even hackers!

The bad news is that many people don’t know how to use these locks effectively—and they often mistakenly believe that all SSL certificates are created equal. In reality, there are two main types of SSL certificates: domain and wildcard certificates. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses (as well as price points).

Create a sense of trust among users.

SSL certificates help establish a sense of trust among users. The more confident a user feels, the more likely they will be to complete an online transaction or purchase. In order to increase the likelihood that a user will feel safe, secure, and confident in their online transactions, you should use an SSL certificate on your website.

Types of SSL certificates

SSL certificates are available in multiple types. The type of certificate you choose depends on the level of security and encryption you need, as well as the duration for which you want to secure your site. Here’s a breakdown of what each type offers:

  • Domain validation certificates are the least expensive option and provide basic protection for your website. They’re also the fastest to set up and can be issued within minutes once approved. However, they lack strong encryption measures so they’re not recommended for e-commerce sites or sites that handle sensitive data like medical records or financial information.
  • Organization validation certificates are more secure than domain validation because they require proof of ownership from an authorized representative within your company or organization (such as an executive). They are also more expensive than most other options.
  •  Extended validation SSLs offer the highest level of assurance and require more time to process than other forms because they require additional checks before being issued.

There are many reasons why an SSL certificate is essential.

  • It protects your website against phishing scams and data breaches.
  • It secures the server that you are using to host your website and all of its files.
  • The SSL certificate creates a public key, which is used to encrypt and decrypt data sent over the internet between two computers or devices (like a browser). This process uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) technology, which sends information through encrypted channels so that if someone intercepts it, they cannot read it without knowing what the key is. Because of this encryption method, an SSL certificate makes sure that any person browsing on their device with an unsecured connection will not be able to see any sensitive information about you or your business—including credit card numbers, usernames/passwords for social media accounts, etc.—that passes through their computer’s connection with your site’s servers when they click on links shared from within its content.


The bottom line is that an SSL certificate is a powerful tool for creating trust among your users and establishing a sense of professionalism. You can use SSL certificates to redirect traffic from HTTP to HTTPS, track visitor statistics, or even use them as security keys to encrypt data between your web server and client computers. As you can see, there are many benefits associated with having an SSL certificate installed on your website, so don’t wait any longer!

To learn more about how Reversed Out can help secure your WordPress site so that people cannot access personal information stored there without permission (and make sure no hackers get in), contact us!

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At Reversed Out Creative, we understand the challenges and opportunities presented by AI disruption. Our team of experts specializes in web design, SEO, graphic design, and digital marketing services. Reach out to us through our contact form to learn more about navigating the evolving job market and embracing the potential of AI. Together, let’s shape a future that combines human ingenuity with the power of AI.

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